Patent Application Grant

The Patent Application Grant (PAG) is a funding scheme to assist local companies and individuals capitalize their intellectual work by applying patents for their inventions. It is administered by the Innovation and Technology Commission with Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) as the implementation agent.

All Hong Kong incorporated companies, Hong Kong residents (permanent or those permitted to remain in Hong Kong for not less than 7 years) who have never owned any patents in any countries or territories before will be eligible.

All applications for functional patents and inventions with technology elements are eligible. The HKPC will first conduct a patent search-cum-technical assessment to ensure that there is a reasonable chance of obtaining patent.

The grant per application is not more than HK$150,000 or 90% of the sum of the total direct cost of the patent application (including the cost for patent search-cum-technical assessment) and the administration fee charged by the HKPC which is about 20% of the total direct cost involved in patent application, whichever is the lower, will be provided. It can be used in applying for patents in or outside Hong Kong; and will be valid for 3 years from the date of approval of the application.

Applicants have to provide the details about their concept or innovation to the HKPC which will perform the patent search and technical assessment. Based on the assessment and search result, the HKPC will make a recommendation to the Innovation and Technology Commission on whether approval should be given.

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According to the statistics of the Intellectual Property Department, there are total 171 standard patent applications filed and 90 granted in 2012 in Hong Kong.

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