Health Care and Promotion Fund (HCPF)

hcpfThe Health Care and Promotion Fund (HCPF) provides funding support to projects in selected thematic fields that help people adopt healthier lifestyles by enhancing awareness, changing adverse health behaviours or creating a conductive environment that supports good health practices.

The Promotion Sub-committee appraise on applications and Health Care and Promotion Fund Committee make the funding decisions.

Principal applicants must represent a non-profit making organization which is not limited to the health care sector.

Call for grant applications will be announced 3 months prior to the deadlines for applications. Applicants will be informed of the results within 6 months of the closing date.

Project should start within 6 months upon approval and be completed within two years.

There are two types of grant under this funding scheme:

Non-Research Health Promotion Projects 

Full or partial grant may be given. Funding for a new project will normally not exceed $300,000. Grants of $100,000 or less are provided for projects with a budget of $100,000 or above. Grants exceeding $100,000 are provided for projects with a budget not more than $300,000.

The Seed Funding Scheme

The scheme is established to facilitate mobilisation of local resources through building partnership between public, private and non-governmental organisations to promote health in the community.

Individuals and Government Bureaux / Departments can be involved in the projects as co-applicants.

Funding ceiling for each grant will normally not exceed $500,000. Grants of $100,000 or less are provided for projects with a budget up to $100,000. Grants exceeding $100,000 are provided for projects with a budget not more than $500,000.

Community partners are encouraged to identify the local needs in health promotion and propose strategies appropriate to the target population.

Current Thematic Priorities (application deadline: July 31, 2013)

Priority for funding is given to applications targeting underprivileged groups who are vulnerable to ill-health, and health promotion programmes carried out in primary care settings.

  • Tobacco control

  • Lifestyle, nutrition and physical activity
  • Mental well-being
  • Injury prevention
  • Reducing alcohol-related problems
  • Promoting family doctor model of care
  • Empowering the community in the management of chronic diseases
  • Prevention of respiratory infectious diseases

Progress report, final and dissemination reports should be submitted for approved projects.

There are currently 215 approved Non-Research Health Promotion projects and 21 projects approved under the Seed Funding Scheme.

Contact us if you need more information.